This is also a relatively complex mechanism. Overview In summary, a good content community can use the recommendation system to enable authors at different stages to obtain corresponding value at their corresponding stages, so that the entire community can continuously have new authors come in, and can also eliminate inferior authors, and can As a strategic product, we need to constantly dig out the leading authors from a large number of authors to guide the content topics or community tone of the entire community. As a strategic product, we
need to constantly explore corresponding scenarios and Afghanistan WhatsApp Number design corresponding strategies. problems, as the entire ecological business, social environment, and national orientation continue to develop, how to model human thoughts and thinking and express them through algorithms is the core of strategic products. value. In the next article, I will talk about the UGC content community, and the recommendation system should do things - Content Part . This article will describe more systematically how the recommendation system
interacts with the content in UGC content. This article was originally published Everyone is a product manager. Reprinting without the author's permission is prohibited. The title picture comes from Unsplash and is based on the CC license. The opinions in this article represent only the author's own. The Renren Product Manager platform only provides information storage space services.